talking hands

metroZones invited by TESSERAE,Tuesday 12th April 2022,  9 pm  ///
(video still metroZones schoolbook expanded)

Re-reading maps as aesthetic practices in urban research Over the past years, recording processes have become increasingly important for metroZones‘ research and artistic practice. While they are embedded in the specific dynamics of the respective exploration, they also yield separate spatial images which are processed into different formats: an installation, a wallpaper, a textile or a video.

In re-reading mappings metroZones invented a research method and an aesthetic practice: “Talking hands” –  indicating details and narrating maps  in a video transmission as a collective and collaborative act. This format contributed to the (self-)understanding of the many participants and at the same time enabled a specific image production.

(Studio Larissa Fassler photo by Diana Lucas-Drogan)

for metroZones with tesserae: Christian Hanussek, artist, curator and writer; Kathrin Wildner, urban anthropologist, curator